Headache, Sore throat and Upset stomach: Common Ear ache, Headache and Sore throat: Common Related Having toothache, ear pain, sinus, headache and sor What are OTC medications for sore throat, headache Toothache Causes, Symptoms, Treatment - Toothache Toothaches: Causes, Treatments, and Prevention - Health Toothache Toothache is the pain that occurs to one or more teeth or around them. A toothache is generally the result of dental caries or sometimes an infection. Caries are often caused by poor mouth hygiene, although the tendency to have caries is partly hereditary. Sometimes, the pain that feels in the tooth is actually due to pain in other parts of the body. This happens when the pain radiates. For example, ear damage can cause pain in the teeth. CAUSES: The most common are: Tooth abscess; Earache; Jaws or mouth injuries; Heart attack; Sinusitis; Caries. DIAGNOSIS: The dentist will examine the mouth. Physical examination can inc...