The deadline for the Crouna Covid virus 19
To this day, there are no vaccines or specific drugs for Covid-19 disease. World Health Organization
If you feel uncomfortable, rest and drink plenty of fluids and eat nutritious food. Stay in a room separate from other family members, and use a separate bathroom if possible. Make sure to clean and sterilize the frequently touched surfaces.
Everyone should have a healthy lifestyle at home. Maintain a healthy diet, stay active, and socialize with your loved ones over the phone or the Internet. Children need more love and attention from adults in stressful times. As much as possible, stick to a specific daily protein and regular appointments.
Feelings of sadness, tension, or confusion are normal during crises. This can help talking to people you trust, such as friends and family members. But if you feel it is more than possible, contact a health professional or counselor.
Medical treatments
If you have mild symptoms and otherwise are in good health, isolate yourself and contact your medical care provider or the information line on Covid-19 for advice.
Seek medical attention if you have a fever, cough, and trouble breathing. And call the care facility before you go.