The acidity of the stomach is a kind of burning or burning up to the larynx. It is normal for the cardia (the part of the stomach closer to the esophagus) to remain closed while the digestion is done. Occasionally, however, this valve relaxes and passes the gastric acids into the esophagus. This process is called gastroesophageal reflux.
Keep in mind that the tissues of the esophagus resent the acid action and this can lead to a disease called Barrett's esophagus, the pre-cancerous esophagus.
Stomach acidity is very common and almost everyone has had it on occasion, although there are people who suffer it permanently.
Their appearance is associated with age, overweight and obesity and bad eating habits due to the ingestion of foods that are very seasoned or difficult to digest and to other inappropriate actions such as lying down after meals.
"The causes are all those that favor this" reflux "under the name of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)," explains Baos. "We can find patients with hiatal hernia or patients with partial incompetence of the gastroesophageal sphincter who under certain circumstances temporarily allow the return of acidic contents of the stomach into the esophagus, for example, after a copious meal or
with abundant gas."
The most common cynical manifestation of stomach acidity is the burning sensation of the esophagus or burning behind the sternum.
In addition, patients who have this pathology usually have gastric fullness (feeling full) or regurgitation (food goes up into the mouth).
If the acidity is very severe it can lead to long-term complications from exposure to acid, such as an increase in pre-luminal lesions in the esophagus.
According to Baos, the main steps that patients must take to avoid stomach acidity are to avoid being overweight, chewing well and slowly, reducing carbonated drinks and very spicy foods.
"Each person knows what foods are especially indigestible and should avoid them," says the specialist, who insists that people who usually have heartburn should avoid lying down before two
hours after a meal. "This also helps prevent reflux."
The stomach acidity is very frequent and almost everyone has had it on occasion.
This pathology is not classified into subtypes.
The first step in diagnosing the disease is the clinical interview with the patient. This will allow the doctor to know the clinical manifestations.
If the symptoms are severe and frequent or appear in people over 50 for the first time, Baos recommends performing an endoscopy to assess the extent and severity of the lesions and predisposing factors.
From these data specialists can plan a treatment.
Preventive measures and inhibition of acidity by the use of proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole and others in the same group) are the basis of pharmacological treatment.
The duration and dose of treatment vary according to the circumstances.
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Recommendations to avoid acidity
The member of semFYC some recommendations to avoid acidity:
Eat with caution.
Watch for excesses.
Avoid the most indigestible foods.
Try not to consume alcoholic and soft drinks.
Acne is a disease characterized by the appearance of skin lesions as a result of folliculitis, inflammation and subsequent infection of the follicular pore (hair outlet). These lesions are usually pimples, blackheads and red and inflamed patches, such as cysts.
This disorder may have psychological and social implications, especially among adolescents and people working for the public who, at times, have problems in their work environment because they do not reach the required degree of physical presence.
However, acne appears in most cases during adolescence, affecting approximately 80 percent of this population group. It arises due to the interaction between hormones, sebum and bacteria that live on or inside the skin and also in the hair. During puberty, sebaceous gland activity increases, and dry sebum, desquamated skin, and bacteria accumulate in the pores of the skin to form a comedo, which prevents sebum from flowing from the hair follicles through Pores. If the blockage is incomplete, black spots form; If it is complete, white dots appear.
There are also some special forms of acne that can affect newborns or adults exposed to certain industrial products (occupational acne) or people who take certain medications such as oral corticosteroids (drug-induced acne) and these clinical forms are less common than acne Juvenile classic.
The main cause of acne is the clogged pores of the skin. Clogging can be triggered by several factors:
The glands secrete excess sebum.
Hormonal changes that are associated with puberty, pregnancy, menstruation, stress or consumption of oral contraceptive methods, such as the pill.
The use of some cosmetics and products for oily hair.
Some drugs that contain steroids, estrogens, testosterone, or phenytoin.
Excessive sweating.
Acne manifests clinically with several types of lesions. In fact, some patients may appear several of them. Acne lesions are mainly found on the face (front, cheeks and chin), back, shoulders and presternal region, which are the seborrheic areas of the body.
During the winter acne usually worsens and improves in summer, probably due to the beneficial effect of the sun. Diet has little or no influence; However, some people are sensitive to certain foods. Removing them from the diet for several weeks and reinserting them months later can help determine their true influence.
Acne can also appear with each menstrual cycle in young women and may disappear or worsen noticeably during pregnancy.
The main symptoms that appear on the skin are:
Scabs with rashes on the skin.
Scars on the skin.
Redness around the rashes of the skin.
Small, red bumps.
Although there is no effective way to prevent acne, sufferers may consider a number of recommendations that will help reduce the impact of acne and the severity of the injuries.
The Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology recommends:
Clean face twice a day. This way you can remove excess fat from the surface and dead skin cells that can block the pores. However, keep in mind that excessive cleaning can cause damage, such as drying excess skin or irritating persistent acne.
Apply the recommended products to treat the condition topically after washing.
Dry the skin without rubbing it.
Practice outdoor sports and wash your face after doing it to prevent sweating plugging the pores.
Reduce the contact of the hair with the skin of the face. In fact, experts do not recommend wearing bangs or long hair.
Try not to abuse foods like pork, pastries, seafood, alcohol, nuts, strong cheeses and foods containing chocolate.
Choose cosmetics that do not contain oils or fats in their composition.
Select non-greasy photoprotectors.
Do not touch the beans.
Patience: Acne takes at least three months to heal.
Avoid stress.
Do not share treatments with other people who have or have had acne.
Do not treat scars while the lesions are active.
Acne can be classified according to the type of lesions distinguishing inflammatory and non-inflammatory.
Non-inflammatory include closed comedones and open black spots and among inflammatory are red papules, pustules, nodules and cysts. These last two are the most important because, in their evolution, they can leave residual scars, which are the most important sequels of acne.
Some patients may have more severe pictures that associate fever and poor general condition and require early systemic treatment.
If we look at the type of lesions and the severity of them, the acne can be classified in several degrees:
Light acne.
Moderate acne.
Severe acne.
Very severe acne.
The diagnosis is made clinically in the presence of one or more elemental lesions.
In some patients in whom acne is associated with other alterations, such as menstrual disorders, hair loss, seborrhea or hair enlargement, it is necessary to perform a hormonal complementary analysis that will allow to rule out the presence of hormonal alterations and better orient the treatment.
The treatment of acne is based on two modalities: the topical and the systemic. The choice of one mode or another will depend on the severity of the acne. The treatment guidelines are as follows:
Mild acne
In this type the recommended therapy is topical treatment which includes exfoliants (elemental sulfur, salicylic acid, glycolic acid), 4, 5 and 10 percent benzoyl peroxides, azelaic acid and retinoids (tretinoin, isotretinoin and adapalene) .
Moderate acne
In the moderate, treatment will also be topical with benzoyl peroxide, retinoids and antibiotics (clindamycin phosphate and hydrochloride, tetracycline hydrochloride and erythromycin base).
Severe acne
In this type, specialists recommend starting a systemic treatment that includes systemic antibiotics (tetracyclines, erythromycin, minocycline and clindamycin) for 3 to 6 months. Systemic retinoids (isotretinoin) given at doses of 0.5 to 1 mg / kg / day for five months allow complete cure in almost all patients. In some patients it is necessary to administer more than one cycle of treatment.
Very severe acne
Patients can follow two types of therapies, as determined by the expert:
Surgical treatment: In some patients it is necessary to perform drainage of cysts or mechanical removal of comedones as complementary treatments.
Systemic treatment: Isotretinoin associated to systemic or intralesional corticosteroids.
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In patients with secondary acne scars it is possible to perform corrective treatments of the same as long as there are no active lesions. Among other options we have chemical peels with glycolic acid or other somewhat more aggressive methods such as dermabrasion or CO2 laser, which allow us to improve the appearance of patients.
Patients with proven hormonal alterations may benefit from antiandrogen treatments or estrogen associated with progesterone.
It is important for patients to avoid manipulation of the lesions and to be constant in the treatment
Canker sores
Canker sores are ulcers that occur in the mucosa of the mouth and are one of the most frequent mouth diseases along with cavities. They are small in size (about 5 millimeters), the color is usually whitish and appear surrounded by a red area. In addition, they are not contagious.
The main causes are:
Due to the friction of the denture and the automotiveduras.
They can also be caused by chemicals, very hot substances, toothpaste or medicines.
Sometimes they are due to food allergies.
They may be related to an infection or to having a depressed immune system.
Emotional stress also plays an important role in the origin of canker sores.
They can be caused by hormonal disorders.
They are also related to smoking tobacco.
In very few cases they are manifestations of affections like Behçet's Disease, as indicated by the expert in Gastroenterology, Luis Bujanda.
Evaluate your symptoms
Canker sores usually appear on the inside of the cheeks and lips. The main symptoms are:
White wounds.
They often cause pain.
They are small in size almost always.
In more extreme cases, fever and malaise may occur.
There are certain factors that increase the propensity for the appearance of canker sores, such as tobacco or stress.
To prevent the disease, Luis Bujanda, President of the Spanish Association of Gastroenterology, recommends:
Bring adequate oral hygiene.
Have a varied diet, rich in fruits and vegetables.
Eat foods rich in vitamin C and omega-3.
Avoid very hot foods.
We can distinguish three types:
The first one is characterized by wounds with a size smaller than 1 cm, superficial and few. This type is the most frequent, accounting for 80 percent of cases.
The second type consists of wounds with a size larger than 1 cm and deep.
Finally, in the third type we can find many very small wounds (between 1 and 2 mm) that are grouped together.
They are diagnosed when they appear wounds with the appearance that has been explained previously (wounds of small size and whitish color surrounded by a red area) in the oral mucosa.
Although there is no specific therapy for this condition, "local topical treatments or rinses with anti-inflammatory drugs (such as carbenoxolone, dexamethasone, triamcinolone) or antibiotics (tetracycline, minocycline) are usually used, and in exceptional cases oral or local immunomodulators Bujanda.
It is advisable not to use mouthwashes that include alcohol since the wound may worsen. In its defect can be used water with salt. Wounds usually heal in periods of time between 7 and 14 days.
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What risk factors do they have?
This disease in principle presents no health risks. However, if wounds tend to reappear, are large in size, and deep, it is important that you consult with a physician to assess whether there is a possibility that there is a relationship with another type of illness.
Contact your doctor for more information. The information provided on (what the health) is of a general nature and for purely disclosure purposes can in no way replace the advice of a physician (or a legally qualified person) or, in specific cases, of other operators health.
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