Weight loss of 5 kg in a week
In the last week you have lost 5 kg
But if I asked you, what you have lost, can you answer me
Any person who decides to follow a low-calorie diet for obvious reasons of weight loss, builds the success of such a diet solely on the response of the scale.
Although it is not my intention to lead a crusade against this instrument, I must acquaint the misleading information it gives you.
It will tell you that you have lost or gained weight but will not tell you if that weight is fat, muscle, or water.
Let's face it, losing weight does not take a rocket scientist, the important thing is to take less calories than they consume and abracadabra you're done!
This is evidenced by the success of diets appearing in magazines, like the soup, lemon, water and so on, that without having any scientific basis, they can make you lose weight very quickly, at least for the first few weeks. It's right at the beginning your body is taken aback by the extremely low-calorie and unbalanced diet, then managed to deceive decreasing weight. After a period is forced, for survival purposes, to get used to a reduced nutritional intake, then it adjusts its metabolism to those wretched calories. If you want to continue to reduce weight simply: "also take away what little you eat."
Without speaking, then, of physical activity that is recommended during low-calorie diets. Will impose a moderate aerobic activity (walking at a maximum) otherwise you lose weight on the scale. All the times that you may want to do some 'of activity with weights you reply that the aim is to lose weight and not put muscles, but this statement, as you will see, will leave things as they are.
So: calorie diet + = light aerobic activity program for weight loss.
Just out of curiosity, to detect the percentage of body fat, using a skinfold, impedance or other, before you start and when you finish that fantastic slimming program. You will be shocked!
You lost 5 kg in a week but your percentage of fat is equal to or even higher than the initial fee. But this is of little interest, the important are those 5 kg less. Then continue until things gradually change: you are feeling more and more tired, the weight does not come down more, those walks have become marathons, you look in the mirror and see a body flabby and with those you hate so much love handles. Which is why you decide to make a further cut to that elusive diet by eating only once a day. But even so, things do not seem to change. What happened ?
Simple, you got what you wanted: to lose weight through the destruction of muscle mass which consequently led to decreased metabolism.
At this point it is better to clarify the different roles that have the fat and muscle.
The first is a fabric idle, that is the energy source of our body. To illustrate, by antropologgico perspective (periods where the man was a hunter / prey), the man has survived thanks to its high capacity to store energy (fat) that allowed him to overcome long periods of famine and drought. Given that the current human machine is still set with the genes of at least 100,000 ago, still we tend to store fat and lose it with great difficulty. In this connection, studies have shown that the human body is not able to lose more than 300 - 500g of fat per week, which is why, in the last seven days if you have lost 5 kg, by a simple operation you will find that, if you went all right, you lost 300 - 500g of fat and 4.5 kg of water and lean tissue.
Muscle, however, is an active tissue that needs energy to survive or better the calories you ingest. For the body muscle mass is a considerable energy expenditure, so it does everything to reduce it.
No coincidence that the basal metabolic rate (the amount of calories burned in 24 hours by our body for survival) is directly proportional to muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the higher your basal metabolic rate and more calories burned.
Returning to the theme of this article, the low-calorie diet plus the gentle hike have greatly reduced your weight by consuming most of the muscles. Since the latter, as we said a moment ago, are directly proportional to the basal metabolic rate, your body will be in a real war footing, which will try to always burn fewer calories and store more fat to survive (a little curiosity: you know that anorexics have an almost equal percentage of fat to obese people?).
Drawing conclusions, they will after a year and even more (these mistakes at a young age are absorbed by a body able to support all the "horrors" that you impose, but sooner or later, will bill) to own a high percentage of fat and eat like the ants and to add any food, even the most healthy, will make you fat.
Tired of the situation will begin to go to the gym asking the instructor on duty why you can not lose weight despite your efforts, the answer is always the same: "YOU SO" RAPED "YOUR BODY, WITH UNHEALTHY DIET THAT NOW IS NOT RESPONDING MORE 'IN YOUR WILL. "
All this happens because we want IMMEDIATE results, we can not know what will happen tomorrow or who receives damage our health, the important thing is to lose weight.
I never tire of repeating: "We must correct our eating HABITS without subjecting us to senseless stupid diets."
If an intelligent diet you join a smart workout results can only be amplified.
In this regard, allow me to suggest the physical Culture.
This choice is not made by my passion for this sport but for the many studies I've read, and that led me, again, to the same conclusion.
You still goodness and patience to follow my argument:
If we alternate aerobics with a mildly hypocaloric diet a bit 'of weights, we will be able to sustain or even increase muscle mass.
This slight increase of the muscles will allow us later to raise the basal metabolism which as we said is directly proportional to the muscle mass.
Certainly the process will be much slower, compared with only aerobic exercise, but:
1) You will lose a lot more fat
2) Do not lose your precious muscle mass as well as give you a nice appearance you need to increase the basal metabolic rate.
3) Once you have also put a single pound of muscle you can eat more without fear of getting fat.
4) The more time passes, the more your body will become active allowing you to satisfy your taste buds with all those foods that before there were strictly prohibited (with due attention paid).
Virtually become the opposite of those people to lose weight in the shortest possible time, they followed a low calorie diet without thinking of their muscle tone and now have to give up all those dishes that are coveted and in addition find themselves with kilos of fat mass more.
You might answer me that the muscles do not like. I can even agree with you, but you must be aware that increasing muscle mass is difficult for all the guys who like me follow a high-calorie diet, have a favorable hormonal status (date from a young age), using food supplements etc .. ., let alone people who follow a low calorie diet.
Premise on the fast slimming
I open the following article with a brief introduction to distinguish what I will write from most of the junk media available online.
"On various sites that have published their own (or others')" fast "strategies for weight loss, it often reads the warning:" lose weight fast can be harmful to health. "This is correct. So why make available one unhealthy instrument while being aware of the risks related to it? The answer can be summed up in three simple words: hypocrisy, ignorance and immorality.
To colleagues that disseminate and advise certain slimming strategies even if they know the implications, remember that you can write a good article remaining ethically correct and above all professional; to those who share it ignoring these aspects suggest that "haste" in undertaking the necessary academic studies to work in the field of dietetics and diet therapy.
For as understood by most readers, CONCRETE line, lose weight fast is WRONG; However, using a professional yardstick, it is possible to provide a dietary means the healthy and suitable to the pursuit of rapid weight loss. For this purpose, taking for granted the good state of health and the absence of diseases, I propose a weight-loss range between 1 and 3-4 kg per month (which equates to 250 and weekly 750-1000g), which is equivalent to 1kg a slimming very slow and 4kg weight loss corresponds to a lot faster. "
To close this brief introduction, I emphasize that what will be described later can NOT and should NOT replace the advice of a professional (dietitian - nutritionist - specialist nutritionist). We are mentioned the risks and benefits (if any) of the lose weight fast, as well as my personal food management method aimed at reducing the daily heat, optimization of nutritional metabolism and weight loss in excess, all in full compliance with the guidelines for a healthy diet.
Lose weight fast: NO to the excesses, is the awareness
And 'likely that most readers have already (or is believed to be) aware of the negative aspects related to lose weight fast. It is therefore not my intention to annoy users by listing and describing the physiological processes involved but, to be fair, I will summarize them briefly.
WARNING! I stress again that what I write exclusively refers to healthy people, physiologically normal and free from diseases. If for some individuals lose weight fast, even within recommended limits, it is a harmful factor (eg. In cases of kidney and liver diseases, bone diseases, malnutrition, pregnancy, breastfeeding etc.), For other subjects is unequivocal way salvation (severely obese with very high cardio-vascular risk and caused by hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, type 2 diabetes, heart disease or circulation defects, defects of the pulmonary ventilation etc.).
Obviously, assessing the relevance or the inadequacy of the fast weight loss (or extreme) is up EXCLUSIVELY to the doctor.
To be concise, lose weight fast (more than 4 kg per month) is WRONG for the following reasons:
Submit the subject's mind to stress that significantly increase the risk of recurrence; not surprisingly most people slim quickly regains at least the fatty tissue of origin
Subject the organism of the person concerned would be prejudicial to one stress: muscle tone, blood sugar, blood blood pressure, athletic prowess and brain efficiency.
Sometimes, it includes certain side effects such as: ketosis (intoxication) and significant increase in the hepatorenal load
NOT ALLOW TO ACHIEVE full rations recommended for vitamins, minerals etc.
In some cases (such as some of the fast variations controlled / intermitente), alters the hormonal balance (reduction in thyroid secretion and increase of the adrenal)
Sometimes it creates a simple "illusion of slimming" for the loss of large quantities of liquid (later restored after power supply recovery customary)
DO NOT provide any useful weight loss because it is a potentially "disturbing" strategy, it can not be used for long periods or short periods close
Adverse effect by those who follow and contribute to the consolidation of myths etc.
On the other hand, it is undeniable that can lose weight fast (but not always) favor the success of the therapy in patients with a modest excess fat. See good progress of weight loss is a good source of motivation even though, most of the time (in slimming TOO fast), this is not enough to balance the sacrifices and discomfort of a restrictive diet.
How to lose weight fast in respect of health
We reiterate once again that the aim of those slim fast must NOT exceed that of 4kg per month (best 3!). Often, the practice of some food "extreme" strategies leading to ultra rapid fluid loss, which, needless to say, does not correspond to an actual weight loss, but to a dehydration. To avoid this, it is fundamental first respect the nutritional balance and particularly the carbohydrate portion; this excludes a priori all protein diets, ketogenic and low carb in general. In parallel, an insufficient portion of lipids involves the take inevitable reduction of total fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids. As for proteins, reference the many healthful considerations Articles of protein diets. Of course, a diet rich in carbohydrates TOO is counterproductive, because of the massive stimulus that these have on the release of insulin, the anabolic hormone responsible for fat storage; Also the chemical form of the latter is an element of discrimination, since digestibility, absorption and metabolism speeds (usually linked to the food refining process) affect the glycemic index, and on stimulation of the hormone mentioned.
In general, you can say that to lose weight fast is still need to meet the following nutritional breakdown parameters:
0,8-1,5g / kg (physiological weight) of proteins (of which about 1/3 or 1/2 of animal origin)
25-30% of lipids (unsaturated prevalence, then mainly of vegetable origin)
The rest in carbohydrates (of which not more than 10-16% simple because a good part of the latter is formed from sucrose)
Applying these principles, related to the reasonableness of the portions and the equitable sharing of meals, provides a solid base from which to lose weight fast. Among other things, this ensures (almost) even the intake of micronutrients (minerals and vitamins). The only additional expedient to take into account is to maintain a portion of dietary fiber that to be around 30g per day.
To better understand the various nutritional aspects related to this breakdown suggest reading the article: Example balanced weight loss diet.
food choices
Assuming that weight loss is necessary to take not more than 70% of total calories dictated by the individual daily requirements, appropriately divided into 5 meals a day, it should be emphasized that physical activity (defined as movements of everyday life and physical exercise) plays a fundamental role; it helps to increase the total energy expenditure, to maintain a good basal metabolism and to promote muscle tone.
That said, from MY point of view, to lose weight quickly, keeping fit is very useful to apply a series of measures summarized below.
Eliminate sweetened foods, both at household level and packaged products; eliminate junk food or junk-food (sweet and savory snacks, sweet and savory pastries, sweet drinks, foods from fast-food);
use the condiment fats in a calibrated manner (no more than 10g for main meal - it is a carelessness but reflects sufficiently the practical aspect).
The daily consumption of cereals, legumes and derivatives, preference for products NOT processed. This does not mean merely to choose whole foods, but prefer the whole shape of the seeds. In practice, this results in the formulation of the first type of stew dishes and soupy, because they include (in addition to the fibers) the presence of higher water percentages. For example, RATHER than 80g of dried pasta, or cooked and accompanied with vegetable sauce, olive oil and Parmesan cheese, it gives about 280g of food for a total of about 440kcal, BETTER opt for a soup of wheat (or beans) and whole vegetables that , by 80g dry seeds accompanied by vegetables, oil and grain, it will become a first energetically similar to the previous but with a weight of at least 360g. This allows you to take further action: REDUCING weight corn (ie calories) while ensuring the same volume of food; also it allows constant KEEP energy intake by increasing satiety (thus reducing other foods, especially bread, inside of the meal). The portion of dry cereals and derivatives should NOT exceed 80g, as well as that of dried vegetables (the latter should be guaranteed at least two weekly servings).
Obviously this can not be applied to certain foods, such as those for breakfast. However, even in that case, you can improve your eating style preferring HYDRATED more food than dry ones. NO to rusks and biscuits (especially avoid those sweets and white flour). YES to whole grain breads and cereals with fiber which, although dry, accompanied to the milk (low-fat or low-fat), become part of a water-rich food. The portion of breakfast cereals could be around 30g.
mutually balance the consumption of bread and pasta; the bread has an accompanying function, which is why its use is associated ONLY preparations that require it
As for fruit, I suggest optimally place it between meals or at snacks (if you advise about 2 servings per day). This choice allows you NOT to further increase the energy / glycemic load of the main meals; Furthermore, constantly promotes the intake of dietary fiber, minerals (potassium) and vitamins (A, C, E), improves digestion and fully exploits the satiating power of the fruit.
The vegetables should always be present for lunch and dinner. Their main function is to provide fiber, minerals (potassium), vitamins (A, C, E) and water, but containing less fruit sugars, the portions may be less "rigid." It goes without saying that an excess of not constitute a positive aspect fibers (alters the intestinal absorption and can induce the onset of diarrhea and / or bloating), as well as that of fructose (however well present in carrots, onions, bell peppers etc.). It 'good to remember that because of thermolability of certain vitamins (and dispersion during cooking) fresh and raw vegetables should be at least 1/2 or 1/3 of the total.
AND 'desirable to insert the vegetable minestrone about once or twice a week; to it (as particularly "light") is granted to the accompaniment with 1 or 2 slices of bread (toasted also).
As anticipated, the condiment fats should not exceed and will suggest to use about 10g for main meal. Better to employ vegetable oils rich in lipids to good metabolic impact, essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins (such as E).
In the case in which useful returned to the achievement of the daily lipid portion, one might choose to consume a few grams of dried fruit (achenes), but NOT in doses greater than 10g; this, which has a reduced satiating power, is instead particularly caloric albeit rich in essential fatty acids.
The yogurt and milk (or fortified appropriate substitutes) must be well present, preferably in 2 or 3 portions a day (with the function of ensuring the intake of calcium and riboflavin), but possibly partly skimmed and no added sugar. Better to place them at breakfast and / or in the secondary meals in 120-250 ml portions.
For meals, the talk is wide but already quite clear to the community. To respect the division of lipid is necessary to prefer those with a low fat content (basically saturated and accompanied by cholesterol). Green light to
Chicken and turkey breast
muscle fat of cattle, horse, pig and sheep
lean fish or even fat (NOT to dress with olive oil)
provided that "blue"
cephalopods (octopus, cuttlefish, squid etc.), less bivalve molluscs (mussels, clams etc. because they contain more cholesterol of the above) and even fewer shellfish (even more rich in cholesterol)
derivatives of lean ONLY milk (eg. ricotta, cottage cheese etc.) and a few eggs (also rich in cholesterol in the yolk, 2 or 3 a week, with the possibility of integrating only the egg whites, available in brick
The function of the food of animal origin is to make iron, calcium, certain B vitamins (riboflavin, niacin) and some fat-soluble (A, D). The portions of the dishes should weigh around 150-250g and be placed at dinner or, in small quantities, for lunch.
It is NOT recommended to make frequent use of fatty meats and cheeses (except for 5 or 10g of parmesan cheese on the first of the lunch plate); possibly prefer roast beef, sweet raw ham fat removed, dried beef and cooked ham fat removed in portions of about 70-100g (if replacing the evening dish, half if included at lunch after the first course).
In general, also in the diet to lose weight fast, it is desirable to limit the addition of cooking salt.
Lose weight fast: Conclusions
To end this short article on the fast slimming, stress that all such information is part of the cultural baggage of specialized professionals (see introduction). I lack confidence readers drastic strategies and even more of the "gurus" fashionable or trendy. The weight loss process is a food therapy initiated on empirical estimation (mathematical cast) energy expenditure, which respects the principles of a good and healthy food, but continues in drawing practical, real and concrete human nutrition. All this can not be done (in whole or in part) with standardized systems are independent from the interaction since specialist-patient.
Contact your doctor for more information. The information provided on (what the health) is of ageneral nature and for purely disclosure purposes can in no way replace the advice of a physician (or a legally qualified person) or, in specific cases, of other operators health.
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