child health care
From the Most Popular Parents Campaign. Simple actions that parents can take to prevent illness, malformation, trauma, accidents ...
By Alessia Altavilla
Parents are protagonists of their own children's health since conception. And, therefore, responsible, in good and evil, of their psycho-physical state.
Starting from this premise, the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the Veneto Region, the Italian Federation of Pediatric Physicians and Unicef, has promoted the Parents' Campaign campaign, which is best placed to introduce the Seven Simple Actions that Moms and Dads can implement to Preventing illnesses, malformations, traumas, accidents, obesity, infections, cognitive and relational difficulties.
7actions for the health of the child from conception onwards
Preconception: The importance of folic acid:
Folic acid is a vitamin taken before conception and during the first three months of pregnancy prevents important malformations such as, for example, spina bifida, anencephaly, labiopalatoschis, congenital malformations of the heart, urinary system, skeletal ... Its intake Is safe and has no contraindications.
Pregnancy: no smoking:
The baby is protected from smoking already during pregnancy. Cigarettes, in fact, are often responsible for low neonatal weight, premature births, perinatal mortality, and cot death syndrome. Obviously, parents should avoid to subject their children to passive smoking even when they are older.
First year: Breastfeeding !:
Breast milk is the best source of livelihood for the baby in the first six months of life, since it provides all the nutrients it needs and protects it from any allergic diseases and forms. In fact, it seems that breastfeeding children are less prone to developing gastrointestinal infections and the first respiratory tract. In addition, breastfeeding would seem to prevent any future problems of obesity and cognitive and relational difficulties.
The nanna: on the back is better:
To prevent cradle death (SIDS), it is advisable to let the baby tumble up, keeping the ambient temperature around 20 ° C and not covering it over. The ban on smoking and breastfeeding further reduce the risk of sudden death of the infant.
Shifts: child seat requirement:
For the car transport of children, even for short trips, it is compulsory to use a child seat that is to be in accordance with the law, suitable for the weight of the small, of the appropriate size and fitted correctly.
For the future: the prevention of vaccination:
Vaccinations allow to prevent infectious, even dangerous, diseases. Vaccinating your child, therefore, means protecting him and other children from the risk of contracting this type of disease.
Born to read:
The loud reading, which has been practiced since 6 months, increases the cognitive and relational development of the child. Also, for the newborn child, reading is a real pleasure moment in which you learn to know better mom and dad.
The first dent
The first dent: a moment lived with joy by parents, which can cause problems with the baby. Let's see what can be done.
Normally, children put their first dent around the fourth to sixth month of life, although it often happens that young people who have already completed 1 year are still completely demented.
At about 18 months, the eradication of milk teeth called deciduous is generally complete and the number of teeth is equal to the age of the child less than six. According to this calculation (of course not a law) a child of 16 Months has an average of 10 milk teeth (16-6 = 10).
From 6 onwards, then the baby's teeth change again and the permanent teeth slowly take the place of the falling milk naturally.
The moment of the appearance of the first dent is a joy for the parents who assist for the first time in a change in the appearance of the baby, but for the latter this stage is often characterized by some discomfort and lived not always in a serene way.
As for parents, seeing the suffering child is always a cause of stress, especially when they feel helpless.
For the baby, the symptoms are different from subject to subject, but experts have identified some recurrent ones:
Mild irritability and difficulty falling asleep in the evening with often unjustifiable night-time crying
Some pleasure in "biting" hard objects and an increase in the need to suck
Presence of small swelling or bruising on the gums
Appearance of a mild fever and appetite
Abundant salivation
However, to avoid being misled, it is good to consult the pediatrician for any small disorder during that period to determine the cause of the problem.
If, on the other hand, the symptoms are really related to dentition, much can not be done to improve the child's situation: the appearance of the teeth is, in fact, a completely natural phenomenon that resolves without any therapy or care in the lap A few days if not a few hours. With patience, then, try to distract the baby by playing with him and pampering him more than usual, or make sure that he always has something to bite about to make some relief from this gesture. And do not worry too much about yourself, so as not to give anxiety to the baby.
The fall of dairy teeth, however, does not cause any kind of discomfort in the child: the affected tooth begins to rock and after a few days fall naturally without trace. Instead, the permanent tooth will begin to appear in place.
It is good, then, that from a child, children are used to brushing teeth (even those that will then lose) so that this habit is maintained even when it grows and when the teeth are permanent.
A widespread custom (almost to point to the importance of teeth in human life) is to celebrate the fall of deciduous teeth, hiding the first fallen under a cushion while waiting for the ball to catch it and leave it in place Small handcuffs.
When the nerd is a problem!
It's the time of the baby. Tips and theories to let the children fall asleep serenely and without drama.
Of Sabrian Vita
In pregnancy all repeat you "domi now because after you no longer sleep ..." and you wonder if it will be so hard for a newborn to sleep 6/7 hours yarn overnight. Find out then that they were all right. Sleeping a whole night without interruption becomes virtually a mirage. If the baby does not sleep you do not even sleep and every night turns into a nightmare. You find yourself wandering home like a zombie without knowing how to solve the situation.
Infant and baby's sleep is linked to a thousand variables and there is no 'right recipe' adaptable to all children and to all situations. The best thing to do is to extract from everything that is said on the subject the advice that best suits our way of being and does not conflict with our way of acting. You can certainly try to put in practice the directions of the books, the pediatrician or the girlfriend but without coming to force our nature.
There are two books, one opposite the other in the approach and methodology to apply, which have made history on the subject. We summarize them in the basic aspects and characteristics, without taking a stand.
Estivill Method - "Make the Sleep"
You have heard about Eduard Estivill's book "Do the Night". This is a small handbook with practical and accurate indications on how to "teach" the baby to sleep. According to the author, sleep is a pleasure and the baby should be able to fall asleep for 6/7 months alone and to sleep in the event of night-time sleep alone. You just have to teach it the right way, giving it the right directions. Forbidden to lull or hold the baby in your arms. The child must understand that it is time to sleep and that, even in case of desperate crying, the dad or mom will not restart it from the cot. He then has to learn to "pamper himself" and calm himself with the objects he will have (pacifier, teddy bear, etc.). The book shows a table to follow for minutes to be passed if the child cries before returning from him to calm him down. According to the authors and according to many parents this method works and in about 4/5 days the child will have "learned" to sleep.
Estivil himself subsequently clarified that the rules referred to in his method are to be applied in children over the age of 3 who had in the past acquired bad habits but were not valid for younger children.
Sears Method - "Day and Night Parents"
The philosophy of this book is the opposite of that of Estivill. In this case, it tends to create harmony between parents and newborns by trying to respond intuitively and positively to the needs of the child. Parents adapt to the needs of the child without "forcing" them at their own pace. Respect the child and his / her needs to create a climate of trust and harmony. The child is never left to cry because Sears is not afraid that the child learns to sleep. The child expresses crying with their weeping and if they are to sleep in Latvian with their parents, it is necessary to support them. The child, if supported in his / her needs, will sleep better and will sleep better. After all, why should this child be so negative to let the baby sleep with us if it reassures and reassures her?
In addition to these two methods that everyone can try in the times and ways he thinks is right and suited to his own nature, there are some small arrangements that all children share and who can "help him" in falling asleep:
The temperature should be around 20 degrees
Put in your cot a garment so you can feel your smell
Stop "stimulating it at least 1 hour before the baby
Do not cover it too much
Try to create a "ritual of the nanna": greeting the brothers, greeting your dad, greet all the little bear, singing a song together and then sleeping
Contact your doctor for more information. The information provided on (what the health) is of a general nature and for purely disclosure purposes can in no way replace the advice of a physician (or a legally qualified person) or, in specific cases, of other operators health.
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