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Allergy_Pollen allergy_ALLERGIES_Food allergies


Allergies, also called hypersensitivity reactions, are exaggerated responses of the immune system (the defenses of our body) when coming into contact with certain substances, called allergens. Its appearance is intensified in spring, because one of the most frequent groups of allergens are the pollen, reproductive cells of plants that proliferate during this season. Other allergens are environmental fungi, dust mites and epithelia of some animals, such as dogs, cats, horses and rodents. Allergic reactions may include certain foods or drugs and insect bites such as bees or wasps.

It is estimated that 20 percent of the population suffers from some type of allergic reaction and appears to be increasing. Experts estimate that in the next 20 years, allergies could be part of the lives of half the Europeans and 30 percent of the Spanish population. These are the main allergens:

Pollen: grasses, olive, cupresáceas, arizónicas, shade plantain and parietaria are the plants that cause more allergies in Spain, especially during the spring.

Environmental fungi: these fungi release microscopic particles known as spores that, when breathed, can cause allergic symptoms related to asthma, rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

Dust mites or house mites are microscopic insects that develop in moist and warm places.

Epithelia of animals: dogs, cats, horses and rodents are the ones that cause more allergic reactions.

Certain foods: milk, egg, shellfish, wheat, walnut, peanut, chocolate and soy are the most common.
In part, the increase may be due to the fact that in industrialized countries children do not have direct contact with multiple microorganisms (viruses and bacteria). This protection could make your immune system not stimulate enough and grow more vulnerable to external agents.

However, it is suspected that there is a hereditary predisposition to allergies, which means that a child whose parents are allergic is likely to develop some kind of sensitization, though not necessarily towards the same substance as their parents reject. For example, if the mother is allergic to shellfish, she is more likely to develop an allergy, but not to that food, but to other allergens such as pollen. It may also favor the appearance of allergies in situations where the body's defenses are lowered or 
weakened (followingsymptom
Although they are very annoying, allergies are usually not serious complications, but they can end up in more complex pictures, such as asthma. In fact, it is estimated that 80 percent of asthmatics have, to a lesser or greater degree, an allergic basis. In these cases, asthma also appears by the action of allergens and pollens are the main group that triggers it.

Allergic reactions may be mild or severe. Most of them consist only of the discomfort that causes tearing and itching of the eyes, in addition to some sneezing. At the opposite extreme, allergic reactions can be life-threatening if they cause sudden respiratory distress, a malfunction of the heart and a pronounced drop in blood pressure, which can lead to shock. This type of reaction, called anaphylaxis, can affect sensitive people in different situations, such as shortly after eating certain foods, taking certain medications or biting a bee. a viral infection or during pregnancy).
Avoiding an allergen is better than trying to treat an allergic reaction. Avoiding a substance can mean not using a particular drug, installing air conditioning with filters, giving up having a pet at home or not consuming certain foods. Sometimes a person who is allergic to a substance related to a particular job (eg flour, wood, etc.) is forced to change jobs. People with strong seasonal allergies may consider moving to a region where there is no such allergen.

When contact with the allergen can not be completely avoided, it is recommended to reduce exposure to the allergen. For example, a person who is allergic to house dust can remove all furniture, carpets and curtains that accumulate dust mites; Cover mattresses and pillows with plastic protectors; Remove dust and clean rooms with a damp cloth and quite frequently; Use air conditioning to reduce the high indoor humidity that favors the multiplication of dust mites; And install highly efficient air filters. Since some allergens, especially airborne allergens, can not be avoided, physicians often use methods to block the allergic response and prescribe medications to relieve symptoms. Allergy immunotherapy (allergy shots) can provide a solution in these cases. Antihistamines are the most commonly used drugs to treat allergies (but are not used to treat asthma).

Helpful tips:
Avoiding exposure to allergens such as pollen, environmental fungi, dust mites or the epithelia of some animals would be a measure to take into account to avoid an asthma attack. In the case that a person is not diagnosed but suspects that he may have allergy to any of these factors, it is advisable to go to the allergist.

Another precaution that must be taken by allergy sufferers is to avoid doing intense exercises during pollen season, since they can make breathing difficult and lead to an asthma attack.

In case of rhinitis, it is advisable to monitor the appearance of any signs associated with asthma (beeps, fatigue, etcetera), since this type of allergy frequently generates this disease.

When a person is already diagnosed with allergies, he should be alert to any signs of aggravation of symptoms and to see the doctor in case of worsening.
Different types of allergic reactions are usually classified according to their cause, the body part most affected and other factors. Some of the most common types of allergy are as follows:

Food Allergies: These are exaggerated responses of the immune system that are produced by the ingestion of certain foods, such as milk, egg, shellfish, walnut, peanut, chocolate, soy, or wheat. A food allergy is not the same as food intolerance, whose consumption causes undesirable effects generally of lesser severity.

Pollen allergy: In times of pollination, allergic reactions caused by grasses, olive, citrus, arizonian, shade plantain and parietaria are frequent, among other plants.

Allergic rhinitis: is a very common allergic reaction. It is an allergy to airborne particles (usually pollen and herbs, but sometimes molds, dusts and animal dander) that produce sneezing; Itching, runny or stuffy nose; Itchy skin and eye irritation. Allergic rhinitis can be seasonal or perennial (year round).
As each allergic reaction is triggered by a specific allergen, the main objective of the diagnosis is to identify that allergen. This may be a seasonal plant or the product of a plant, such as grass pollen or ragweed, or a substance such as cat dander, certain medications or some particular food. The allergen can cause an allergic reaction when it is deposited on the skin or enters an eye, is inhaled, ingested or injected.

There are tests that can help determine if the symptoms are allergy related and identify the allergen involved. A blood sample may show many eosinophils, a type of white blood cell whose number usually increases during allergic reactions. The RAST skin test measures the blood concentrations of specific IgE antibodies to a specific allergen, which may help diagnose an allergic skin reaction, seasonal allergic rhinitis, or allergic asthma.

Skin tests are most useful for identifying specific allergens. The RAST test can be used in cases where it is not possible to perform a skin test or it would not be safe to carry out a skin test. Both tests
are highly specific and pre
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Pollen allergy

Pollens are tiny grains that contain sperm cells. They are produced by the male reproductive system of the flowers and transport the sperm cells to the female reproductive system to fertilize them. A single plant can produce thousands of grains of pollen, which looks like yellow powder in flowers but can not be seen when it is dispersed in the air. Pollen must be distinguished from seeds with hairy (white fluff) that poplars and other plants produce in spring. Some patients blame these allergy fuzzies when in fact it is produced by pollen dispersed in the atmosphere.

People with pollen allergy perceive this substance as a harmful agent, which causes a response of the immune system. If pollen comes into contact with the skin, eyes or respiratory tract, the body defends itself by releasing a number of chemicals into the bloodstream, including histamine, responsible for sneezing, tearing and other common symptoms. Pollen allergy.
The plant that causes more allergy to pollen in Spain and throughout Europe is the family of grasses. This is due to the great allergenicity of their pollens and their extensive plant distribution. Its period of pollination is very wide since, within the great diversity of its species, each one has a different period of flowering. Other pollens that cause allergy are the banana of shade, the olive tree, the birch, the parietaria and the palm tree.

Diesel emission particles produced by vehicles, heating and industrial emissions create a hostile environment to which plants react in a "defensive" way. Contaminated area pollens generate new proteins called "stress proteins" that have a greater ability to stimulate people's allergic response.
The allergy to pollen can cause different symptoms. The most common are the following:

Itching, itching, eye redness and other reactions related to conjunctivitis.
Allergic rhinitis (also known as hay fever) or inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which causes congestion and runny nose.
Frequent sneezing.
Swelling under the eyes.
Fatigue and tiredness.
Difficulty falling asleep.
Sadness and even depression.
Bronchial asthma related to exposure to allergens.
It is not possible to avoid allergy, but measures can be taken to reduce contact with pollen and reduce its symptoms. Here are some recommendations:

Avoid exits to the field and outdoor activities on days when the concentration of pollen in the air is high. The pollination levels can be consulted in the mobile application Polencontrol, endorsed by the Seaic, or in the web www.polenes.com.

Extreme hygiene of the hands and face, frequently refreshing the nose and eyes with water.

Keep the windows of the house closed during the day and keep the environment as humid as possible. To ventilate a room it is enough five minutes.

Perform frequent household cleaning using vacuum cleaners instead of brooms or utensils that remove particles. To remove dust, we recommend using a damp cloth.

Protect the eyes with sunglasses and cover the nose and mouth with a mask on days of high pollination.

Travel with car windows raised to avoid contact with pollen as much as possible.

When you have been outdoors, it is advisable to take a shower and change clothes when you get home.

Use in-car pollen filter and home air purifiers to reduce exposure to the allergen.

Do not perform intense physical exercise in a time of pollination to avoid episodes of asthma.

Do not mow or prune on days of intense pollination.

Avoid hanging clothes outdoors during the pollination season.

When allergy symptoms appear, check with your doctor and avoid self-medication.

It is advisable to make an appointment with the allergist and follow a comprehensive treatment focused on treating the cause of the allergy.
Grasses (poaceae or gramineae) are the first cause of allergy in our country and are distributed throughout central and northern Spain. Although it includes several thousand species, it is the subfamily Pooideae that contains most of the important genera that produce polinosis (Phleum, Dactylis, Lolium, Trisetum, etc.). These are weeds that grow on the edges of roads, fields or fields. Atmospheric concentrations of grasses vary from year to year. In Castilla León, Castilla La Mancha, Extremadura and the interior of Levante and Andalusia the concentration that occurs from April to July is related to the pre-seasonal rainfall, that is to say, between October and March. Its period of pollination is very broad since the flowering of each one of its species occurs at a certain time. Although there is a high concentration of grasses in the so-called Green Spain (Galician massif and Cantabrian cornice), pollination is moderate as it rains heavily during the flowering months.

The family of oleaceae includes numerous trees and shrubs, although only three influence in a significant way the atmospheric load: the Fraxinus (February-March), the Olea (April-June) and the Ligustrum (July). The olive is the most frequent and allergenic and abundant in the Mediterranean area, so it also affects other countries like Italy, Israel, Greece, Turkey and Portugal. After the grasses, olive is the second cause of allergy in Spain. Jaén is the province most affected, since 62 percent of its extension is dedicated to the extension and 95 percent of allergy is sensitized to the olive tree. Other affected areas are Córdoba, Seville, Malaga, Granada, Ciudad Real and Toledo.

Parietaria (Urticaceae):
The parietaria is a family of weeds very allergenic and is one of the main sources of allergenic pollen in the Mediterranean coastal regions. The most important species is the Jewish Parietaria found on lots and walls of these areas. The pollination period extends from February to November giving a multistate and perennial symptomatology that can sometimes be confused with chronic rhinitis or asthma. This fact is favored by the late appearance of this type of polinosis in patients over 30 years of age. The provinces most affected are Barcelona, ​​Murcia and Valencia with a prevalence ranging from 25 to 50 percent of patients with polinosis. Its presence is also important in the north of Spain, 
especially in La Coruña, where it affects 28 percent of the population, and in Bilba
Other data
How is the pollen count made?
The collection of the pollen that is in the air allows to classify it by means of a microscopic study. Volumetric collectors such as the Burkard spore trap, the most popular in Europe, are used for this purpose. It consists of an intake chamber that draws an air volume of 10 liters per minute (volume similar to that of human respiration) through a slit that always faces the direction of the wind. The aspirated particles collide against a transparent plastic tape, counted in a drum, which is covered with a thin layer of petroleum jelly. A clockwork mechanism causes the drum to rotate for seven days. Each week the tape is removed and cut into segments corresponding to each day of the week. The segments are examined with an optical microscope to identify and quantify pollens depending on their morphological characteristics. The counts obtained allow us to know the arithmetic mean of the number of grains of pollen per cubic meter of air of that day.

How does weather affect pollutant concentrations?
The load of atmospheric pollens depends to a large extent on the rainfall that conditions the germination and growth of the herbs. Each plant has its period of flowering and pollination, in which factors such as temperature, height or latitude intervene. During the pollination period atmospheric concentrations increase with increasing temperature (dry and sunny days) and decrease with rain or cold. The highest concentrations are in the morning, when the plants emit pollens, and at dusk, as the air cools the pollen down to ground level. In cities the concentration is lower than in rural areas due to the barrier effect of buildings and the caly effect, produced by the heat of the cement and the asphalt that originates ascending currents that drag the pollen to non-breathable heights.

What is the pollutant count for?
It is important to know the concentration of pollen at the moment the patient presents the symptoms so that the medical specialist can, through skin tests, confirm the allergy. The allergist must know specifically what pollen causes the disorder to prescribe a specific immunotherapy or a treatment to reduce the symptoms. Also, the count allows the patient to know in which period the allergy symptoms will most suffer and when to take the medication.
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Food allergies

Food allergies are an exaggerated response of the immune system by the consumption of a particular food. As Montserrat Fernández of the Allergy Service of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital in Madrid points out, the immune system's normal response to food is to tolerate them. However, in some cases it generates an altered response that can cause that when people consume certain foods, harmful effects and reactions are triggered by the immune system that give rise to food allergies.

"The most frequent type of response is IgE-mediated antibodies, which produce immediate reactions," explains Fernández in the BBVA Foundation's Book of Allergic Diseases, published with the endorsement of the Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology . The specialist also points out that there are cell-mediated immune responses that elicit later responses. These are usually cutaneous, such as atopic dermatitis, or digestive.

On the other hand, foods can also cause allergy if they are in contact with the skin or after respiratory exposure. In the first case may cause dermatitis and urticaria, among others; While in the second they can cause problems related to the respiratory system, such as asthma or rhinitis.

The most frequently allergic foods are milk, eggs, shellfish, nuts, wheat, pulses, soybeans, fruits and fish.

Allergy or intolerance?
People often confuse food allergy with intolerance. However, although they share similarities, as they cause harmful effects in the organism due to the ingestion of certain foods, they are not the same.

Allergies are caused by an impaired immune response to food, while intolerance does not interfere with the immune system. The main causes of intolerance are usually due to alterations in the digestion and / or metabolism of foodstuffs.

Although society perceives food allergies as a major health problem, only about one-third of the reactions reported by specialist patients can be confirmed in an allergy study.

According to Fernández, of the results that have been obtained in epidemiological studies demonstrating that there is a specific IgE response to a food through oral provocation tests, it is estimated that the food allergy occurs between 1 and 3 percent Of the population. "It is more common in children under 3 years, in which the incidence can reach up to 8 percent," he says.

In recent years in countries like the United Kingdom and the United States has increased the frequency of allergies, especially related to nuts. Although in Spain there are currently no data on the prevalence of food allergy, the specialist indicates that in a decade the diagnoses have doubled, as indicated by the results of the Allergological studies carried out by the Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology in 1992, 2005 and 2014.

Food allergies appear due to a failure in immunological tolerance by factors such as genetic load of the person, intestinal mucosal barrier status, age or type, amount and manner of presentation of the food , among others.

In circumstances where tolerance fails, the immune system produces an IgE antibody response to food. The response begins in the gut (although it can also manifest in other areas such as the respiratory tract or skin); In the respiratory mucosa and in the skin are cells, the mast cells, to which the antibodies bind when the response is triggered. Antibodies can also attach to other cells, the basophils, which are circulating in the blood.

When the allergic person consumes the food that causes the reaction, the allergen is linked to the IgE found on the surface of basophils and mast cells. At that time it activates and releases histamine and other inflammatory substances that are responsible for the appearance of allergic reactions.
According to the specialist in Allergology, Montserrat Fernández, allergic reactions usually present the first manifestations in the two hours following the consumption of food, although the most frequent is that symptoms appear in the first 30-60 minutes. "These reactions may involve one or more organs, including the skin, digestive tract, respiratory system and cardiovascular system," adds Fernandez, who points out that severity depends on the patient's immune response, the reactivity of the affected organ and Of the allergen's characteristics.

In addition, external factors such as taking steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, performing physical exercise or drinking alcohol may aggravate reactions.

The main manifestations that may appear are the following. All can be triggered associated or isolated:

Cutaneous: This is the most common reaction. Patients usually present with urticaria.
Mucosa and pharynx: These symptoms are the second most common. Adults who have a food allergy often have reactions in the oral mucosa and pharynx, known as oral allergy syndrome, such as rhinitis. In individuals with asthma bronchospasms can occur in the context of anaphylaxis (severe allergic reactions), this symptom can be very serious and can often cause death by the allergic reaction.
Digestive System: Finally are digestive-related symptoms that include diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea.
Other symptoms include itching in the mouth, throat, eyes, skin or other area, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, fainting, swelling of the eyelids, face, lips and tongue or rhinorrhea. Among the symptoms of oral allergy are the itching on the lips, tongue and throat and swelling of the lips in certain cases.
There is no effective way to prevent a food allergy; The main recommendation to avoid the symptoms is to avoid consuming the food allergen.

There are many types of food allergies today. The most frequent are five:

1. Egg allergy
Hen egg allergy is an immunological adverse reaction caused by consumption and contact with the egg. This type of allergy only develops in people who have produced IgE immunoglobulins directed against egg proteins. In these patients, an allergic reaction will occur every time they have contact with the egg.

The most common risk factors for egg allergy are family history, previous allergy to another food, or having atopic dermatitis.

This type is the most frequent in children of more than 12 months with a prevalence in Spain between 0.5 and 2.7 percent of the general population in the first years of life. In fact, 44 percent of consultations for food allergy in children under 5 years is for the egg and in over 5 years this figure is reduced to 10 percent.

From the two years the cases in which the allergy occurs are very rare. In adults the prevalence drops to 1 percent.

According to Elena Alonso, a doctor who specializes in allergy and pediatrics at the Allergy Service of the General Universitario Gregorio Marañón Hospital in Madrid, as in all other allergies, the symptoms of egg allergy can be very different and vary from manifestations Mild, such as a slight itch in the mouth and / or throat, to more severe symptoms that can endanger the person.

"The symptoms happen in a short time, like much of an hour, after eating the egg. The most common are redness of the skin, itching, hives, swelling of the lips and eyelids. Digestive symptoms with vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea are not uncommon, "he says, before warning that respiratory symptoms that may be accompanied by difficulty breathing and swallowing are less frequent. These are very serious so the patient should go to the doctor at the time they start to occur.


Seventy percent of children who are allergic to eggs are cured. In fact, in some cases this occurs early. "At 24 months the egg tolerates 20 percent of the children," explains Alonso, who points that figure rises to 30-35 percent at 3 years and 50-55 percent at 5 years. "Later, the evolution to tolerance occurs more slowly, until reaching 60-75 percent at 9 years."

The prognosis to adulthood is still unknown.

Treatment and diet:

The treatment for people who have egg allergy is based on maintaining a diet free of this food and all products that can contain it. However, this option is often difficult to achieve so specialists recommend that patients and family members are well aware of the symptoms and protocol of care that should be followed if consumed egg.

Patients with this allergy may have problems following a diet because many products contain egg without the consumer knowing it and appears in other foods, such as sauces or baked goods, and appear in places such as cosmetics.

2. Allergy to fish and shellfish
These two types of allergies are adverse reactions that are produced by a response of the immune system to a food. In these two cases, the immune response is mediated by IgE antibodies specific for fish and shellfish.

According to Ana Fiandor, a specialist in Allergology of the Allergy Service of the La Paz University Hospital in Madrid, allergy to fish is developed in countries with high consumption of this food, such as Spain.

"The reactions occur in the first years of life and coincide with the introduction of fish into the diet, towards the first years of life," says Fiandor. "In children is the third cause of allergy and in adults is responsible for 12-14 percent of cases of food allergy in Spain."

Fish allergy can last for decades, even a lifetime.

In the case of seafood, this type of allergy is more common in adults than in children. Although, if it appears in children, it is usually very persistent.


Clinical manifestations of allergy to fish and shellfish are similar to those of other types of food allergies. The symptoms appear after consumption although in fish and shellfish can appear only with the inhalation of the cooking vapors or of the particles that come off in the manipulation of the food.


The only treatment available today is to follow a diet that does not include fish, seafood and its derivatives and, in more serious cases, avoid counting and exposure to vapors.

3. Allergy to milk
Milk allergy is an adverse reaction of the body to the proteins of this product. However, according to Maria Flora Martín, a medical specialist in Allergy in the Allergy Service of the University Hospital of La Paz in Madrid, not all adverse reactions to milk are allergies.

This reaction usually has a hereditary basis, so it can be transmitted from parents to children through the genes, although it is also in the development of environmental factors.

It usually appears in the first year of life. In Spain, one or two children in a hundred develop allergies to milk in the first year of life. In fact, in developed countries, the incidence is between 2 and 3 percent. "Most children lose milk allergy over the first three years and, among the adult population, clinical sensitization to milk is exceptional," adds Martin.


The manifestations of this reaction are diverse, as well as severity, which depends on the degree of sensitization and the amount of food you eat. In addition, symptoms may worsen if the patient exercises, consumes alcohol, or follows a pharmacological treatment.

The most frequent manifestations are cutaneous, which appear in 70 percent of reactions. They are usually itchy accompanied by redness of the skin with hives, urticaria, edema in areas like the lips or the eyelids, etc. In addition, pathologies such as atopic dermatitis often worsen when the reaction occurs.

Other symptoms that usually appear are digestive: abdominal pain, vomiting, occasional diarrhea or difficulty swallowing. Finally, respiratory symptoms may appear, although they are less frequent, such as rhinitis or asthma.

Treatment and prognosis:

At present, the only effective treatment is the exclusion of milk of animal origin, its derivatives and products that may contain milk from the diet.

Most cases of this type of allergy occur temporarily and its prognosis is good in children. "More than 70 percent of those diagnosed in the first year gain tolerance over the first three years. A year, tolerance is set at 50-60 percent of children; At two years at 70-75 percent and at four, at 85 percent, "explains Martin. "From the age of 10, the cow's milk protein allergy still persists in 10 percent of the initial cases. Evolution in adulthood is unknown. "
4. Allergy to vegetables and fruits
Fruit allergy is the most common cause of food reactions in children older than 5 years and in adults. According to data from the allergy study, 7.4 percent of people who go to the allergist have a food allergy. Of this percentage, 33 percent are allergic to fruits and 7 percent to vegetables.

Prevalence is dependent on genetic factors (that a family member is allergic to), environmental factors such as dietary habits depending on the area or the presence of different pollens that can sensitize the individual.

The most allergic fruits and vegetables:

There are many fruits and vegetables that produce allergic reactions. In the case of fruits, the most allergic are rosacea. Of this family, the peach is the one that causes more allergies. Other fruits included in this group are apple, cherry, pear, apricot, plum, nectarine, strawberry, etc.

In addition to these, other fruits that cause allergy are kiwi, melon, pineapple, watermelon, grapes, avocado and mango.

Regarding vegetables, the most allergic are vegetables, such as tomato, carrot, cabbage, lettuce, eggplant or pepper. Other vegetables that provoke reactions are onion, spinach, asparagus, as well as spices such as pepper or cumin, among others.

Symptoms and Treatment:

The most frequent manifestations are the appearance of local symptoms such as itching, erythema labialis, swelling of the lips and tongue, appearance of red spots or hives on the skin, dermatitis, among others. There may also be manifestations that affect the digestive and respiratory tract.

As with other food allergies, the only effective treatment is the elimination of fruit and / or vegetable from the diet.

5. Allergy to nuts, legumes and cereals
Reactions to vegetables within the group of cereals, legumes and nuts are very common in allergy consultants. In fact, as Ernesto Enrique Miranda, a specialist in allergology of the Allergology Section of the General Hospital of Castellón, explains, nuts are fruits with fruits the first cause of food allergy in adults and one of the first in the age childish.

The symptoms and treatments coincide with the rest of food allergies.


According to Miranda, the prevalence of cereal allergy is low purchased with other food groups, although it varies depending on age and geographical area. This type is common during childhood and usually disappears with age.


Most legume allergies are due to the intake of soybeans, lentils, peas, chickpeas, green beans, lupins or beans.

This allergy is more common in countries with Mediterranean diet, Middle East, Far East and India. In Spain, legumes are in the fifth place of food that is involved in allergies in childhood, being rare in adulthood.


Peanut allergy is the most common. In Anglo-Saxon countries it is considered a public health problem because 0.5 percent of the population is allergic to it and in 50 percent of the cases the reactions it produces are so serious that they can even lead to death.

Hazelnut is the second nut that produces the most allergy. In addition, in Spain nuts and almonds cause a lot of reactions.

When the patient has suffered a reaction when consuming some food, the allergist Montserrat Fernández, recommends that you consult a doctor. In these cases the family doctor or pediatrician will consider the patient's symptoms and if they are suggestive of allergy will refer them to the allergist.

Once you are in the specialist's appointment, the specialist will collect a detailed clinical history of the reaction to try to establish which food or foods have triggered the reaction and establish a temporal relationship between ingestion and the onset of symptoms to send you the necessary tests to Establish the diagnosis and confirm the IgE response to the food.

At present the only treatment against food allergy is the elimination of the product from the diet. "This recommendation seems simple, but nothing further from reality," says Fernandez. "A correct diet means that the patient is monitored continuously in order to avoid exposure to the present and hidden allergens that appear in processed foods."

For this reason, the specialist recommends monitoring and reading food labels and the exact composition of meals when done outside the home to avoid accidental intoxications.

In the last decades, specific treatments are beginning to be developed to try to modify the response of
the immune system and to induce

Contact your doctor for more information. The information provided on (what the health) is of a general nature and for purely disclosure purposes can in no way replace the advice of a physician (or a legally qualified person) or, in specific cases, of other operators health.

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