Lose weight too quickly - Hurts Lose weight or lose weight Weight loss is an intervention, or better a dietary path, useful to reduce a certain amount of body fat; often the term is associated with weight loss weight reduction, but NOT 'SAID that the two terms are synonymous The loss of weight is performed by reduction of the total body mass, then indiscriminately, and NOT in itself exerts a protective effect "direct" from a metabolic point of view; it is undeniable that a joint load weighing on the lower back and joints of the lower limbs can benefit the healthy but obese, in metabolic terms, is not weight loss (or better than indiscriminate MASS), but losing weight, to exercise real preventive effect. On the other hand, in the excess weight, the loss of mass indiscriminate also provides for a reduction of the "body fat" (fat mass - FM) with consequent improvement in metabolic parameters; nevertheless, if the food therapy is NOT balanced, the ...