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new look HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT Hi, I know you're here because you want to lose weight but you do not know how you want to have a celebrity figure but you do not know how you've already spent a lot of money on products that are not worth it and every time you try to lose weight you go back to the same thing over and over again Today I will tell you the secret that I thin

Health care vs. disease risk

Discover the benefits of taking care of your health

Concept of health.
Health is the state of physical, metal and social well-being. When someone is healthy, the organs and systems of their body can lead to cavo with normality all the activities necessary for the proper functioning of the organism.
However, there are many factors that sometimes lead to the loss of health status: pathogens, accidents, excessive consumption of tobacco, a stress situation caused by family problems, etc.

Health care vs. disease risk
Discover the benefits of taking care of your health in disease prevention.

Currently many people's health is at risk due to the increase in diseases that have been recorded in recent times. Unfortunately in cities like D.F. A sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits, stress, overwork, hereditary factors and in general the lifestyle we have adopted have brought us diseases ranging from mild to more risky and chronic.

There is no formula for getting rid of the risks a disease can cause us; However, good practices are known that can help us to prevent and care for them. The objective is to guarantee our well-being and to be able to enjoy a better quality of life.

How to prevent diseases

There are several ways to avoid certain diseases, for example through the application of vaccines, through proper nutrition, following health programs, having good cleaning habits, with constant exercise, and even with a medical evaluation, especially when you feel Some persistent discomfort.

Our health also depends in large part on the work of people working in health institutions, on socio-economic conditions and, above all, on awareness-raising programs to create environmental and psychological conditions necessary to create well-being, not only individual but also Of all the people and even more in big cities like the DF

We must also recognize that there are people at greater risk of presenting certain ailments such as children and the elderly, where care and prevention should be further monitored to avoid complications. And it is that various illnesses have taken on significant importance to the degree of becoming real problems of public health causing expenses millionaires for the governments and serious damages for the people.

Only in the DF, diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, hypercholesterolemia, among others, are many people's illnesses and are defined as chronic degenerative diseases, since unfortunately they do not have a cure and are getting worse over time. Good news is that through a balanced lifestyle, where diet and exercise, as well as adequate medical care, the risks that these diseases may have (not only in the health of the sufferer, but also in their relatives) can be seen Diminished and even achieve a life similar to the one we had before the disease.

It should also be said that many of these illnesses cause others and, to the extent possible, prevention and care can help us save on problems in our health, a similar high economic expense even to the payment of a monthly tuition, a mortgage loan And many other heavy expenses.

It is important to acquire a culture of prevention in case of having no disease and even more when you have a disease. In addition to the above mentioned advice, having insurance either of minor or higher medical expenses, could help us in the event of an emergency or in support of our prevention of diseases or a similar condition.

Remand care for our health at any stage of our life with programs according to our needs.ember that we are all exposed to suffer some kind of illness, but it is also in our hands to prevent 

Approach a doctor for a medical evaluation, pay attention to the signals of your body and do not forget to follow a health program that includes a balanced diet with the nutrients that your body needs, as well as give yourself a little exercise daily. Pay attention to your health and that of your family, to avoid risks.

And just over a month, restaurants, confectioneries and bars in Buenos Aires had to comply with the cigarette ban in their halls. Many customers complained, sales fell and even some of the claims came to Justice. Now, with a new law of prevention of cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes ?? sanctioned days ago by the Legislature Buenosairean ??, another polemic joins the gastronomic trades: they will be obliged to offer in their menu an alternative menu of healthy dishes.

This is determined by Law 1906, which specifies in article 3: Restaurants must offer to the public, jointly or separately with the main menu, a booklet containing a list of different foods made with added salt and sugar added foods, Of low fat content and other indications that the sanitary authority considers necessary 
Complaints did not wait. Before the news, the president of the Association of Hotels, Restaurants, Confectioneries and Cafés (Ahrcc), Luis Maria Peña, expressed his disagreement. We did not know anything. We were never invited to participate in the debates. Once again, as with the tobacco law, no one inquiries us about the issues in which the gastronomic sector is directly affected ?? claimed ??. We do not doubt the ends of the law for the benefit of health, but these measures can not be resolved back to the merchants. Operationally, this will be very difficult to apply in all trades and will involve higher costs. "

From the Ministry of Health of Buenos Aires, which will be the agency in charge of law enforcement, spokesmen reported that the final text of the standard has not yet been analyzed. "When it is referred to the Ministry, it will be studied, and at the time of the regulation and implementation of the law will consider whether it is necessary to modify an article," they said.

Congressman Fernando Cantero (ARI), who had already been sanctioned by the Legislature at the end of last year, but vetoed by the government, said: "Since these are three diseases - obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disorders - Which are already covered by the basic health law of the city, the approval of the law cost a lot. " But, finally, the Capital has its law against obesity. "Although there is no possibility of veto, it can undergo changes in its regulations," warned the deputy.

Author's cuisine

Most of the chefs and restaurants consulted by LA NACION do not agree with the law, and agreed that the current gastronomic offer is extensive and varied enough that people can decide where and what they want to eat. Cuisine of author, Mediterranean, Creole, French, Spanish, Italian, Asian or Peruvian. Even natural, vegetarian and macrobiotic. The paladares porteños have a wide menu to choose from.

"In Caesar Park, for example, there are two restaurants: one international, where the guest is prepared what he wants, and the Agraz, where each dish is a special creation, and we do not even admit a change of garnish," he told LA NACION Rodrigo Toso, executive chef of the hotel, with more than 20 years of experience as a cook- Educating people to know how to eat is very important, I agree.But food policies should be oriented to inform the population and Not to control the menus of the restaurants. "
For the Cabrera Norte grid, in the neighborhood of Palermo, implementing an alternative chart would not be so complicated. "In fact, it is very common for someone to order a portion of chicken without salt and without skin, or to choose thin cuts of meat," Jose Luis Fontanela, one of those responsible for the grill, said. , But if there is a provision that obliges us, we must incorporate it. "

In the Resto Social Paradise, in Honduras to 5100, in Palermo Hollywood, consider that the elaboration of the dishes must be at the discretion of the chef. "But with the food we have in the kitchen, it would not be a problem to prepare a special menu," said Federico Simoes.

Metabolic syndrome

In favor of the law and its rapid implementation, Dr. Roberto Iermoli, head of division of the Department of Teaching and Research at Hospital de Clínicas, points out that between 20 and 24% of the adult population of our country suffers from the syndrome metabolic. "It does not take a lot of excess weight for the metabolic risk factors that lead to diabetes, heart disease and hypertension to begin to work. It all starts from the accumulation of adipose tissue in the abdominal region."

To mitigate the problem, the specialist stresses the importance of dissemination campaigns. "The basic aim of the law is to inform the population. Obesity is a global phenomenon, and junk food is one of the main causes of overweight among the youngest."

What will happen, then, with the menus of the houses selling hamburgers, pizzas or empanadas? They must also comply with the requirements of the law and incorporate a main meal that complies with the indications set by the sanitary authority.

As for the list of these healthy foods, Iermoli said: "The person who is hypertensive, for example, always has to order his plate in a special way, and often this causes discomfort."

The same was true of Dr. Mónica Katz, director of the nutrition career at Favaloro University. "Here we do not eat worse than the rest of the world, but a basic menu would be very helpful, especially considering that, in Argentina, 60% of the population is overweight. Grated and with a light sauce, and another lean meat, but always accompanied by vegetables, "suggested the nutritionist. And if along with the menu also describe the elaboration and some nutritional data, such as calories, which in these cases should be around The 400, would be perfect. "

Nutritional information, at sight

  In the case of butchers, grocers, fruit shops, fishmongers and farms, which market unprocessed foods, they will have to display a billboard with the properties and nutritional data of the products on sale. In addition, they should mention the most recommended foods. Catering companies are not exempt either. "Establishments that offer lunch services for parties and other events should offer in their menu card a part of it with foods without added salt and sugar and low in fat content," says the text of the law.

By Soledad Vallejos From the Writing of the NATION

 Contact your doctor for more information. The information provided on (what the health) is of ageneral nature and for purely disclosure purposes can in no way replace the advice of a physician (or a legally qualified person) or, in specific cases, of other operators health.

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