Beware these things adversely affect your health
They affect her a lot. All maj or causes of death such as cancer, heart disease, stroke (stroke), lung cancer and injuries can be prevented by the lifestyle and choices you choose.
Do not smoke or use tobacco products.
Smoking and using tobacco products are very dangerous habits. Smoking causes 440,000 deaths a year in the United States. There are more preventable diseases (such as emphysema, cancer of the mouth, throat and lung and heart disease) that are due to the use of tobacco more than anything else. The sooner you quit smoking the better.
Limit the amount of alcohol you drink.
This means not taking more than 2 alcoholic drinks a day in man and more than 1 alcoholic drink a day in women. An alcoholic beverage equals 1 can of beer (12 ounces), a 4-ounce glass of wine, or a 1-ounce liqueur.
Too much alcohol can damage the liver and contribute to the development of cancers such as the throat and liver. Alcohol also contributes to deaths from motor vehicle crashes, murders, and suicides.
Eat healthy.
A healthy diet has many health benefits. Heart disease, certain types of cancers, stroke, diabetes and damage to the arteries can be associated with what you eat. By choosing healthier food choices you can also lower your cholesterol and lose weight.
Lose weight if you are overweight.
Many Americans are overweight. Being too heavy increases your risk of having high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, some cancers, gallbladder disease, and arthritis in weight bearing joints such as the spine, hips, or knees. High fiber content, low-fat diet and regular exercise can help you lose weight and maintain the new weight.
Exercise can help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis and depression. It can also help prevent colon cancer. Spillage and injuries to the back. If you exercise regularly you will feel better and keep your weight under control. Try to exercise for 30 to 60 minutes 4 to 6 times a week, but remember that any amount is better than nothing.
Do not get angry or use tanning booths.
Exposure to the sun's rays is associated with skin cancer that is the most common type of cancer in the United States. It is best to limit exposure to the sun and wear clothing and hats to protect yourself from the sun when exposed to the sun. Sunscreen is also very important. It protects your skin and helps prevent skin cancer. Be sure to wear sunscreen all year round on exposed skin such as on face and hands. Use a broad spectrum sunscreen with at least one sun protection factor, SPF (SPF) of 15 and one that blocks both ultraviolet A and B light.
The safest sex is between 2 people who are just having sex with each other and who do not have any sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or share needles to inject drugs.
Use latex condoms and a spermicidal cream (a product that kills sperm) or a spermicidal gel. Talk to your doctor about getting tested for STIs every year.
Check your cholesterol level.
If your cholesterol level is high, keep it low by eating well and exercising. You can also lower your cholesterol by limiting the amount of cholesterol you eat and by quitting smoking.
Check high blood pressure.
High blood pressure can increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. To control it, lose weight, exercise, eat less salt, drink less alcohol, do not smoke, and take the medicine if your doctor prescribes it.
Keep up-to-date with your shots.
Adults need a booster shot for tetanus and diphtheria every 10 years. Your doctor may also substitute a Td booster for the DTaP that protects you from whooping cough. You should also get a flu shot every year. Ask your doctor if you need other vaccines.
Make Time for Breast Health
Breast cancer is the second most common cause of death in women. Between the ages of 50 and 74, women should have a mammogram every 2 years to screen for breast cancer. Women who have risk factors for breast cancer, such as a family history of breast cancer, may need to get mammograms more often or start doing them earlier.
Get regular Pap tests
Cervical cancer in women can be detected by regular Pap tests. You must have your first Pap test within 3 years of having started having sex. You should have a Pap test at least once every 3 years, unless your doctor suggests that you need to do it more often.
Ask your doctor about other cancer screenings.
Adults over the age of 50 should ask their doctor about a check for colorectal cancer. Men over 50 years of age should talk to their doctor about the risks and benefits of having a prostate cancer screening test.
Do I have to have a complete physical examination every year?
Health screening tests are replacing the annual physical examination. Instead of each person doing the same tests and tests, only the ones that are appropriate are done. Talk to your family doctor about your risk factors and what tests and tests are right for you.
Make essential health benefits and preventive care services work for you.
Essential health benefits are a group of health care service categories that must be covered by certain plans, beginning in 2014.
If you purchase a plan through the Medical Insurance Market, your insurance company will cover the prevention services and at least 10 essential health benefits required by the Affordable Care Act (ACA). All private health insurance plans offered in federally-provided markets will offer the following 10 essential health benefits: Outpatient services (outpatient care you get without being admitted to a hospital) Hospitalization of emergency services (such as surgery) Maternity And care of the newborn (care before and after your baby is born) Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment (including counseling and psychotherapy) Medication enablement and rehabilitation facilities and services (Services and devices that help people with injuries, disabilities, or chronic conditions to gain or recover mental and physical abilities) Laboratory services Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management Pediatric services State markets will also be needed to provide 10 EHB, but the list of benefits may differ.
A prevention service can be a test or perhaps the advice of a doctor. Prevention services can detect illness or help prevent disease or other health problems. Some prevention services covered under the Low Cost Health Care Act (ACA) include blood pressure tests, cervical cancer screenings, HIV screening tests, shots, and visits for healthy women.
Beginning in 2015, ACA will require that all health plans cover all costs associated with prevention services.
See a complete list of prevention services covered by insurance plans that meet ACA requirements.
Other Organizations
U.S. Surgeon General's My Family Health Portrait
Last Updated: September 2014
This article was contributed by: editorial staff
Tags: prevention
Quoting the source
© American Academy of Family Physicians
This information provides an overview and may not apply at all. Talk to your family doctor to find out if this information
Contact your doctor for more information. The information provided on (what the health) is of ageneral nature and for purely disclosure purposes can in no way replace the advice of a physician (or a legally qualified person) or, in specific cases, of other operators health.
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