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And modern means of physical therapy

physical therapy

Here below, the means of physical therapy, and their benefits and caveats in the treatment of many pathological syndromes so as to be indicative as a guide in choosing the way of effective physical therapy with General disease problems and pain syndromes private.
physical therapy
Paraffin wax is used in physical therapy and a thermal range between 40 to 44Acirc; ° c, the heat that we get from hot wax is used to relieve pain and stiffness in the joints.

Matthew used

-joint pain. 2. stiff joints. 3. Some conditions such as arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatism.
Where benefit? This technique is applied to the joints of the foot and hands .
Where it should not be used ? In the treatment area, which includes: . open wound. . Cut. . burns. . skin degradation.
| Benefits . treatment of pain and stiffness in the joints.  soft and moist skin becomes.. cause uncomfortable effects.
Processing time: the time of treatment continuation about 3045 BC.
Cryotherapy uses this treatment ice application. They are very old and common method of treatment. And decreases skin temperature during processing to 10Â ° C.
Matti benefit? 1. pain. 2. muscular contraction. 3. spasticity. 4. After any surgery. 5. bed sores / pressure ulcers.
Where it should not be used ? 1. individually with the psychological fear of snow. 2. heart problems. 3. nerve injury. 4. lack of sensation.
Benefits 1. in cases of injuries and prevent bleeding. 2. In cases of bed sores and be cured quickly.
Processing time continuing treatment time of approximately 1-3 minutes (depends mostly on the patient's own case).
The application and use ways: 1. ice towels. 2. bags and vessels of snow. 3. immersion. 4. massage ice cubes. 5. Rapid massage. 6. cupping with ice and water.
Laser therapy uses a laser combining with Alonferrarad. And it is often used in laser processing in two ways: 1. Direct contact (directly on the skin surface). 2. Contact a distance (5 cm away from the skin surface).
Where stating: 1. open wounds. 2. pressure ulcers. 3. diabetic ulcers. 4. surgical wounds. 5. pain.
Where it should not be used ? 1. a person with epilepsy. 2. infected heart-related problems. 3. person user of industrial organizations. The types of laser processing features:
1. treatment of pain. 2. faster healing. The necessary precautions when using the laser. Use a visor for the eyes.

physical therapy

Almtaaksh bathrooms (shock) such treatment includes a combination of immersion and submersion in successive cold showers and hot. Hot water temperature 40Â ° - 45Â ° C. The degree of cold water 15Â ° - 20Â ° C temperature.
Where benefit? 1. pain in the extremities (feet and hands). 2. general relaxation.
Where it should not be used ? Individually with the lack of a sense degree heat and cold (in cases of nerve injury), for example, some diabetics

Thermal energy produced from it is used in the treatment of patients, and have a frequency of 27.12 million / w and wave length of 11 meters.
Application types 1. intensive field method. (Predominantly use). 2. way cable.
Where benefit? 1. inflammation of the shoulder joint. 2. inflammation of the elbow joint (Tennis Elbow). 3. deterioration of the joints of the neck (roughness <inflammation> neck Cervical Spondylosis). 4. deterioration of joints such as the knee and hip (arthritis Osteoarthritis. 5. sprained ligaments in the knee joint. 6. lower back pain. 7. plantar fasciitis (foot pain). 8. Sinusitis Sinusitis.
Where it should not be used ? 1. In general, rising temperatures. 2. blood pressure disorder. 3. skin hypersensitive. 4. the person the user to organize a pacemaker. 5. Non-qualified person for processing. 6. problems, kidney disorders and heart. 7. pregnant women. 8. individual mentally disabled. 9. tuberculosis patient. 10. Cancer.
In situ whether the treated area contains: 1. open wounds. 2. skin diseases. 3. ulcers untreated. 4. Modern burns.
Benefits 1. relax the muscles. 2. influence the bacterial infection. 3. Remove the pain.
The initial phase of treatment: 5 10 s time. Phase II: 1020 BC. Phase III: 2030 BC.
1. negatives burns. 2. pustules burns. 3. overdose. 4. shock. 5. flash of electricity. 6. fainting.
Infrared infrared waves are electromagnetic, thermal energy produced is used in the treatment of pain.
physical therapy
UV UV Rays are electromagnetic waves, and the wavelength of the beam of between 3,900 and 1,849 AÂ °. Radiation sources 1. ultraviolet sunlight. 2. mercury lamp. 3. Fluorescent
. Where benefit? Individually with: 1. General weakness. 2. Vitamin D deficiency. 3. underweight. 4. Psoriasis Psoriasis skin diseases. 5. Hair Loss Alopecia.
Where it should not be used ? 1. skin is very sensitive. 2. inflammatory skin diseases Dermatitis. 3. TB lungs. 4. cancer.
Benefits 1. formation of vitamin D. 2. supports resistance to infection. 3. general tonic effect. Cons 1. conjunctivitis. 2. skin redness. 3. electric shock. 4. burns. 5. Do not be used in combination with other treatments. Ultrasound therapeutic acoustic waves are electromagnetic differ from sound waves. Frequency waves used in therapeutic applications between 5,00,000 and 3,000,000 r / w. Generating ultrasound generated by ultrasound vibrations and fluctuation Kristalh mounted at the head of a special.
The initial phase of treatment time: 3 4 s. Advanced stage: 6 8 s.
Where benefit? 1. inflammation of the elbow joint. 2. plantar fasciitis. 3. Palace muscles or ligaments. 4. tendonitis. 5. sprained ligaments (ankle). 6. ulcers. Where it should not be used ? 1. avoided special places such as the eye, the ear, the ovaries or testes. 2. Developing the ends of the bones. 3. womb of a pregnant woman. 4. weak areas of blood supply (in diabetics). 5. cancer.
physical therapy
Shortwave therapeutic (Microwave diathermy) is the electromagnetic waves are used to address the objectives of the wavelength between infrared and short-wave treatment. The heat generated is used to give the patient comfort. Whereas the treatment of those waves are used to address the wave of 12.25 cm length and frequency of 2450 cycles / w. Waves produce waves produced by the special heating valve claims Magnetron. The product carries a small Ariel and microwave based ordering.
Where benefit? 1. Remove the pain. 2. bacterial contamination. 3. rotting fingers. 4. pimples. . abscesses.
Where it should not be used ? 1. Cancer. 2. tuberculosis. 3. Using modern X-ray detection. . ischemia (in cases such as diabetics).
Benefits remove pain 1. pollution treatment quickly. 2. helps to relax.
. negatives burns. 2. eye injury. Electrical activation career (F.E.S) type of physical therapy involves the use of low frequency to heal. It uses electrical stimulation to activate and train the muscles, which lost movement or in the muscles that have lost their ability after an injury or surgery training.
Types of DC (Modified Galvanic Current) in those therapeutic way be a long and continuous period of constantly working for: 10 - 200 milliseconds. Frequency: 50-100 beats / s. Used in cases of nerve damage and injuries.
Intermittent stream (Surged Faradic Current) with a range of short-time and intermittent therapy consistently for: .01-1 millisecond. Frequency: 50 cycles / s. And it is used in partial nerve injury or pressure on a nerve.
Where benefit? 1. All nerve injuries. 2. Muscle weakness (to activate the muscles). 3. injury to the facial nerve.
Where it should not be used ? In particular with those of the friendly: 1. Cut an interview. 2. open wound. 3. ulcers. 4. modern break. 5. chip installed in the body. 6. skin decontamination. 7. modern surgery.
Therapeutic Massage Therapeutic massage Massage is one of the oldest health science that is being used for healing purposes since ancient times. In Touch Massage Therapy we use to apply pressure on the body skin and muscles and tendons and Arbtth.
The idea is a massage to calm the disease through: 1. Remove and tensile stress. 2. Increase the blood flow (perfusion). 3. calm nerves. 4. muscle relaxant.
Therapeutic massage 1. Aldharba Stroking patterns. 2. survey Effleurage. 3. Kneading dough.  frictional Friction. 5. trendy Wringing. 6. Altqati Picking up. 7. Sad Hacking. 8. slapped Clapping. . vibratory tremens Shaking & Vibration. 10. foveal Tapotement. Aldharba Stroking lead Aldharba massage by hand or fingers are all used and includes relaxing on the skin of the patient in the form of a regular rhythm of strikes that generate relaxation.

physical therapy

Shortwave therapeutic (Microwave diathermy) is the electromagnetic waves are used to address the objectives of the wavelength between infrared and short-wave treatment. The heat generated is used to give the patient comfort. Whereas the treatment of those waves are used to address the wave of 12.25 cm length and frequency of 2450 cycles / w. Waves produce waves produced by the special heating valve claims Magnetron. The product carries a small Ariel and microwave based ordering.
Where benefit? 1. Remove the pain. . bacterial contamination.. rotting fingers. . pimples. . abscesses.
Where it should not be used ? . Cancer. . tuberculosis. . Using modern X-ray detection.  ischemia (in cases such as diabetics).
Benefits remove pain . pollution treatment quickly. . helps to relax.
. negatives burns. . eye injury. Electrical activation career (F.E.S) type of physical therapy involves the use of low frequency to heal. It uses electrical stimulation to activate and train the muscles, which lost movement or in the muscles that have lost their ability after an injury or surgery training.
Types of DC (Modified Galvanic Current) in those therapeutic way be a long and continuous period of constantly working for:  - 200 milliseconds. Frequency: 50-100 beats / s. Used in cases of nerve damage and injuries.
Intermittent stream (Surged Faradic Current) with a range of short-time and intermittent therapy consistently for: .01-1 millisecond. Frequency: 50 cycles / s. And it is used in partial nerve injury or pressure on a nerve.
Where benefit?. All nerve injuries. . Muscle weakness (to activate the muscles). . injury to the facial nerve.
Where it should not be used ? In particular with those of the friendly: . Cut an interview. . open wound. . ulcers. . modern break. . chip installed in the body. . skin decontamination. . modern surgery.
Therapeutic Massage Therapeutic massage Massage is one of the oldest health science that is being used for healing purposes since ancient times. In Touch Massage Therapy we use to apply pressure on the body skin and muscles and tendons and Arbtth.
The idea is a massage to calm the disease through: . Remove and tensile stress. . Increase the blood flow (perfusion). . calm nerves. . muscle relaxant.
Therapeutic massage . Aldharba Stroking patterns. . survey Effleurage. . Kneading dough. . frictional Friction. . trendy Wringing.  Altqati Picking up. . Sad Hacking. . slapped Clapping. . vibratory tremens Shaking & Vibration. . foveal Tapotement. Aldharba Stroking lead Aldharba massage by hand or fingers are all used and includes relaxing on the skin of the patient in the form of a regular rhythm of strikes that generate relaxation.

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